javascript - image thumbnails not showing in outlook mail body through add-in in desktop version of 2013 or 2016 -
image thumbnails not showing in outlook email body in text format through add-in in desktop version of 2013 or 2016. code working fine in online version of outlook in desktop version of outlook seems not working images issue shown code snippet mentioned below:
try { var filename = office.prototype.checkextension(imageurl); if (office.context.mailbox) { var imageurldec = decodeuricomponent(imageurl); imageurldec = imageurl.replace(/\ /g, '%20'); var img = '<img src=' + imageurl + ' />'; var outlookdiv = ''; var thumpimage = '<img src="' + thumbs + '" alt="' + imagename + '" >'; if (assettype == 'image') { outlookdiv = ' <div><a href=' + imageurldec + ' target="_blank">' + thumpimage + '</a></div>'; office.prototype.outlookimageinsert(outlookdiv, imageurl, imagename, spanid, assetid, thumbs, assettype); } else if (assettype == 'video') { thumpimage = '<img src="' + thumbs + '" style="width:204px;height:128px;" alt="' + imagename + '" >'; outlookdiv = ' <div><a href=' + imageurldec + ' target="_blank">' + thumpimage + '</a></div>'; office.prototype.outlookvideoinsert(outlookdiv, imageurl, imagename, spanid, assetid, thumbs, assettype); } else if (assettype == 'audio') { thumpimage = '<img src="' + thumbs + '" style="width:204px;height:128px;" alt="' + imagename + '" >'; outlookdiv = ' <div><a href=' + imageurldec + ' target="_blank"><div ><div ></div>' + thumpimage + '</a></div>'; if (windowurl[1] == "web") { var appname = windowurl[0].split('_host_info='); if (appname[1].tolowercase() == 'powerpoint' || appname[1].tolowercase() == 'word') { var base64 = office.prototype.imagetobase64(imageurl); $.when(base64).done(function (data) { if (data != null) { var b64str =; b64str = b64str.split('data:image/png;base64,'); office.context.document.setselecteddataasync(b64str[1], { coerciontype: office.coerciontype.image, imageleft: 0, imagetop: 0, }, function (asyncresult) { if (asyncresult.status === office.asyncresultstatus.failed) { } }); } }).fail(function (data) { }); } } else { office.context.document.getselecteddataasync(office.coerciontype.html, function (result) { if (result.status === office.asyncresultstatus.failed) { var base64 = office.prototype.imagetobase64(imageurl); $.when(base64).done(function (data) { if (data != null) { var b64str =; b64str = b64str.split('data:image/png;base64,'); office.context.document.setselecteddataasync(b64str[1], { coerciontype: office.coerciontype.image, imageleft: 0, imagetop: 0, }, function (asyncresult) { if (asyncresult.status === office.asyncresultstatus.failed) { var divid = "officeinsertimg" + assetid; var div = document.getelementbyid(divid); var controlrange; var scrollposition = $(window).scrolltop(); if (document.body.createcontrolrange) { controlrange = document.body.createcontrolrange(); controlrange.addelement(div); controlrange.execcommand('copy'); controlrange.execcommand('paste'); $('#' + spanid).css('display', 'inline'); $('#' + spanid).html('your asset has been copied on clipboard , can paste document using cntr+v or paste in contexual menu') settimeout(function () { $('#' + spanid).css('display', 'none'); }, 5000); } $("html, body").animate({ scrolltop: scrollposition }, "slow"); } }); } }).fail(function (data) { }); } else { var imghtml = "<img " + "src='" + imageurl + "'" + " alt ='apps office image' height='200px' width='200px' img/>"; office.context.document.setselecteddataasync( imghtml, { coerciontype: "html" }, function (asyncresult) { if (asyncresult.status == "failed") { write('error: ' + asyncresult.error.message); } }); } } ); } } } catch (e) { $('#errormessagediv').css('display', 'block'); $('#errormessagediv').html('error in insertion of image'); } }
i'd appreciate problem is. thanks
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