ionic framework - How can I build .ipa file from Ionic3 using Windows machine? -

i have few questions. very new ionic3 , hybrid application development.

i have developed ionic3 angular4 hybrid application. using windows os 10 64 bit. have built .apk file , have done testing in android mobile. works expected. turn ios app.

question# 1: how can build ios .ipa file?

question# 2: suppose if have built .ipa file (as per solution question#1), possible move .ipa file iphone , install have done android?

question# 3: need developer code/key testing app in own iphone device without downloading app store?

question# 4: things need deploying both .apk , .ipa file in respective stores?

question# 1: how can build ios .ipa file (using windows machine)?

answer# 1: no can't, you can. use ionic package.

ionic packages makes easy build native binary of app in cloud. perfect developers using windows want build ios apps.

question# 2: suppose if have built .ipa file (as per solution question#1), possible move .ipa file iphone , install have done android?

answer# 2: yes, download ipa file , upload ]on diawi , open generated link in safari, find install option there.

diawi tool developers deploy development , in-house applications directly devices.

question# 3: need developer code/key testing app in own iphone device without downloading app store?

answer# 3: yes, of course need. , udid of device must there in provisioning profile.

question# 4: things need deploying both .apk , .ipa file in respective stores?

answer# 4: team ionic has explained in depth. read chapter 6: publishing app

i hope you.


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