amazon web services - Access AWS CodeBuild Variables in AWS CodePipeline -
i trying use aws codebuild id tag docker image. docker image built in build phase of codebuild. want coudebuild id docker tag in aws code pipeline phase. how access these codebuild environment variables in aws codepipeline?
codebuild phase:
codebuildproject: type: aws::codebuild::project properties: artifacts: location: !ref artifactbucket type: "s3" source: location: !sub ${artifactbucket}/ type: "s3" buildspec: | version: 0.1 phases: pre_build: commands: - $(aws ecr get-login --region $aws_default_region) - sudo apt-get update - echo pulling maven image... - docker pull maven:3.3-jdk-8 - echo done pre build phase build: commands: - echo build started on `date` - printf "%s" $repository_uri - docker run -i --rm -w /opt/maven -v $pwd:/opt/maven -v $home/.m2:/root/.m2 maven:3.3-jdk-8 mvn clean install - docker build --file dockerfile --tag $repository_uri:$codebuild_build_id . post_build: commands: - echo post build - docker push $repository_uri:$codebuild_build_id discard-paths: yes environment: computetype: "build_general1_large" image: "aws/codebuild/docker:1.12.1" type: "linux_container" environmentvariables: - name: aws_default_region value: !ref aws::region - name: repository_uri value: !sub ${aws::accountid}.dkr.ecr.${aws::region}${repository} - name: pipelinename value: !ref pipelinename name: !ref aws::stackname servicerole: !ref codebuildservicerole
here docker image combination of repository url , codebuild id. want use codebuild id in deploy phase of aws codepipeline, how it?
pipeline: type: aws::codepipeline::pipeline properties: name: !ref pipelinename rolearn: !getatt codepipelineservicerole.arn artifactstore: type: s3 location: !ref artifactbucket stages: - name: source actions: - name: githubreposource actiontypeid: category: source owner: thirdparty provider: github version: 1 configuration: owner: !ref githubuser repo: !ref githubrepo branch: !ref githubbranch oauthtoken: !ref githubtoken outputartifacts: - name: githubreposource runorder: 1 - name: build actions: - name: build actiontypeid: category: build owner: aws version: 1 provider: codebuild configuration: projectname: !ref codebuildproject inputartifacts: - name: githubreposource outputartifacts: - name: buildoutput runorder: 1 - name: deploy actions: - name: deploy actiontypeid: category: deploy owner: aws version: 1 provider: cloudformation configuration: changesetname: deploy actionmode: create_update stackname: !sub "${aws::stackname}-service" capabilities: capability_named_iam templatepath: rolearn: !getatt cloudformationexecutionrole.arn parameteroverrides: !sub | { "tag" : "${}", "desiredcount": "2", "cluster": "${ecscluster}", "targetgroup": "${ecstg}", "imagename": "${aws::accountid}.dkr.ecr.${aws::region}${repository}:<tag name>, "containername": "${containername}", "cpu": "${cpu}", "memory": "${memory}", "containerport": "${containerport}" } inputartifacts: - name: buildoutput runorder: 1
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