python - django rest framework user prefix in serializers -

address_choices = (("home":"home"),("shop", "shop"))     class address(models.model):        address_type = models.charfield(max_length=128, choices=address_choices)        location = models.charfield(max_length=128)

class addressform(forms.modelform):     class meta:       model = address   home_address = addressform(prefix="shop") shop_address = addressform(prefix="home") 

can use prefix in serializers used in forms above

class addressserializers(serializers.modelserializer):        class meta:          model = address

home_serializer = addressserializers(prefix="home") shop_serializer = addressserializers(prefix="shop") 

as have current model address it's enough have 1 serializer that. can specify {'address_type': 'home'} or {'address_type': 'shop'} when using that. if want have multiple addresses (bulk creation) should use listserializer or many=true parameter if used inside other related serializer.


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