php - able to access only the / route in Laravel 5.2 -

i able access '/' route , other routes returning 404.

i have installed laravel on new ec2 instance , have ensured php, mysql , apache2 running

my laravel version 5.2.45

my 000-default.conf follows

<virtualhost *:80>          serveradmin webmaster@localhost         documentroot /var/www/html/testing/public          errorlog ${apache_log_dir}/error.log         customlog ${apache_log_dir}/access.log combined  </virtualhost> 

my apache2.conf file follows

<directory />         options followsymlinks         allowoverride none         require denied </directory>  <directory /usr/share>         allowoverride none         require granted </directory>  <directory /var/www/html/testing/public>         options indexes followsymlinks         allowoverride none         require granted </directory> 

my folder structure /var/www/html/testing

but getting 500 when trying hit ip..any highly appreciated.


**********physiotherapist******/ route::get('/home-request/physiotherapist', 'homecontroller@physiotherapist'); route::post('/physiotherapist', 'servicescontroller@requestphysio'); route::post('/physiotherapist/getphysiorates', 'servicescontroller@getphysiorates');  /********** doctor *************/ route::get('/home-request/doctor', 'homecontroller@doctor'); route::post('/doctor', 'servicescontroller@requestdoctor'); route::post('/doctor/getdoctorrates', 'servicescontroller@getdoctorrates');  /********** patient attendant *************/ route::get('/home-request/patient-attendant', 'homecontroller@patient'); route::post('/patient', 'servicescontroller@requestattendant'); route::post('/patient/getpatientattendantrates', 'servicescontroller@getpatientattendantrates'); 

/public/.htaccess file

<ifmodule mod_rewrite.c>     <ifmodule mod_negotiation.c>         options -multiviews     </ifmodule>      rewriteengine on  options -indexes   rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f  rewriterule ^([^\.]+)$ $1.php [nc,l] # rewriterule ^([^\.]+)/([^\.]+)$ /$2.php  [l]      # redirect trailing slashes if not folder...     rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d     rewriterule ^(.*)/$ /$1 [l,r=301]      # handle front controller...     rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d     rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f     rewriterule ^ index.php [l]      # handle authorization header     rewritecond %{http:authorization} .     rewriterule .* - [e=http_authorization:%{http:authorization}]  </ifmodule>  <ifmodule mod_expires.c>   expiresactive on   addtype image/x-icon .ico   expiresbytype image/gif "access plus 60 days"   expiresbytype image/jpeg "access plus 60 days"   expiresbytype image/png "access plus 60 days"   expiresbytype image/ico "access plus 60 days"   expiresbytype image/x-icon "access plus 60 days"   expiresbytype text/css "access plus 60 days"   expiresbytype application/javascript "access plus 60 days"   expiresbytype application/x-javascript "access plus 60 days"   expiresbytype text/javascript "access plus 60 days"    expiresbytype application/json "access plus 7 minutes"  </ifmodule> ## expires caching ##   <ifmodule mod_deflate.c>   # compress html, css, javascript, text, xml , fonts   addoutputfilterbytype deflate application/javascript   addoutputfilterbytype deflate application/rss+xml   addoutputfilterbytype deflate application/   addoutputfilterbytype deflate application/x-font   addoutputfilterbytype deflate application/x-font-opentype   addoutputfilterbytype deflate application/x-font-otf   addoutputfilterbytype deflate application/x-font-truetype   addoutputfilterbytype deflate application/x-font-ttf   addoutputfilterbytype deflate application/x-javascript   addoutputfilterbytype deflate application/xhtml+xml   addoutputfilterbytype deflate application/xml   addoutputfilterbytype deflate font/opentype   addoutputfilterbytype deflate font/otf   addoutputfilterbytype deflate font/ttf   addoutputfilterbytype deflate image/svg+xml   addoutputfilterbytype deflate image/x-icon   addoutputfilterbytype deflate text/css   addoutputfilterbytype deflate text/html   addoutputfilterbytype deflate text/javascript   addoutputfilterbytype deflate text/plain   addoutputfilterbytype deflate text/xml     header append vary user-agent </ifmodule> 

you need allow override in appache conf. try this:

<directory /var/www/html/testing/public>         options indexes followsymlinks         allowoverride         require granted </directory> 


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