firefox - Generate Outlook appointment link in a classic asp web application for main browsers -

i'm trying create link in classic asp web page add appointment outlook data when clicking on it. firstly, test, created in outlook , save in 2 formats, .ics , .vcs after linked in page.

when ran them notice .vcs doesn't work on firefox , chrome, , .ics doesn't work on firefox, i'll choose last one.

my question is, there other format or way open .ics files firefox? doesn't recognize nor open outlook window.

thank much!

found solution on over experts-exchange, full credit goes them:

sub createics (stitle, sdesc, sdate, sstartt, edate, sendt, sfname)     response.buffer = true     server.scripttimeout = 3000     set objfso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")     dim ifile : set ifile = objfso.createtextfile(sfname, true)         ifile.writeline("begin:vcalendar")         ifile.writeline("prodid:microsoft cdo microsoft exchange")         ifile.writeline("version:2.0")         ifile.writeline("method:publish")         ifile.writeline("begin:vevent")         ifile.writeline("dtstamp:"&datetoutc (date(), time()))         dim dtstart, dtend         dtstart = "dtstart:" & datetoutc (sdate, sstartt)         dtend = "dtend:" & datetoutc (edate, sendt)         ifile.writeline(dtstart)         ifile.writeline(dtend)         ifile.writeline("uid:{a6def157-dfce-40f4-ac77-217563191e7b}")         ifile.writeline("summary:" & stitle)         ifile.writeline("description:" & sdesc)         ifile.writeline("sequence:0")         ifile.writeline("priority:3")         ifile.writeline("class:personal")         ifile.writeline("status:confirmed")         ifile.writeline("transp:opaque")         ifile.writeline("x-microsoft-cdo-busystatus:busy")         ifile.writeline("x-microsoft-cdo-insttype:0")         ifile.writeline("begin:valarm")         ifile.writeline("trigger:pt10m")         ifile.writeline("action:display")         ifile.writeline("description:reminder")         ifile.writeline("end:valarm")         ifile.writeline("end:vevent")         ifile.writeline("end:vcalendar")     ifile.close() end sub function datetoutc (sdate, stime)     dim ihour, imin, iyear, imonth, iday, tdate, ttime      tdate = datevalue(sdate)     ttime = timevalue(stime)     ihour = hour(dateadd("h", 4, ttime)) 'correction eastern time     imin = minute(ttime)     iyear = year(tdate)     imonth = month(tdate)     iday = day(tdate)     dim s : s = iyear     if imonth < 10 s = s & "0"         s = s & imonth     if iday < 10 s = s & "0"         s = s & iday & "t"     if ihour < 10 s = s & "0"         s = s & ihour     if imin < 10 s = s & "0"         s = s & imin & "00z"     datetoutc = s end function    if request.querystring("a") = 1     strpath = server.mappath("/temp.ics")     call createics ("the title", "the description", formatdatetime(now,2), formatdatetime(now,4), formatdatetime(now+1,2), formatdatetime(now+1,2), strpath)       'do emailing stuff here , when add attachment code use strpath variable in above end if %> <a href="/temp2.asp?a=1">click here it</a> 


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