javascript - Targeting the nth element of certain class when nth checkbox is checked? -

so have dynamically listed set of elements, each structured follows:

<div class="under-item-description">   <span class="under-compare-price">100</span><span class="under-price">50</span>   <span class="under-compare-price-2">200</span><span class="under-price-2">100</span>   <div class="under-quantity">       <label class="under-quantity-button">         <input type="radio" checked="checked" name="quantity-1" class="under-quantity-radio" value="1"/>       </label>       <label class="under-quantity-button">         <input type="radio" name="quantity-2" class="under-quantity-radio" value="2"/>       </label>   </div> </div> 

the amount of times .under-item-description div shown on page can change. currently, shows 4 times.

what trying when user clicks on first checkbox (name="quantity-1") in given .under-item-description div, that div's .under-compare-price , .under-price shows, while .under-compare-price-2 , .under-price-2 hidden.

if second checkbox (name="quantity-2") clicked, .under-compare-price-2 , .under-price-2 shown while .under-compare-price , .under-price hidden, in that .under-item-description div.

here's js:

$('.under-quantity-button').click(function(){   $('.under-quantity-radio').each(function(){     if($(this).is(':checked')){         $('.under-compare-price:eq('+$(this).parents('.under-item-description').index()+'), .under-price:eq('+$(this).parents('.under-item-description').index()+')').show();         $('.under-compare-price-2:eq('+$(this).parents('.under-item-description').index()+'), .under-price-2:eq('+$(this).parents('.under-item-description').index()+')').show();     }   }); }); 

however, doesn't seem function want. regardless of second checkbox clicked, have prices appear on 1st , 3rd elements. , doesn't switch when first checkbox clicked anywhere. help?

surround each selection of radio buttons in


this allow them work independently, use jquery closest() select elements hide.


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