Not getting graph in Shiny App in R -

i trying create small application using shiny. below data frame trying create.

data<-data.frame(state=c('az','va','ca','az','va','ca'), city=c('phoenix','arlington','santaclara','mesa','richmond','sf'),                         avg=c(10,15,16,13,14,14), date=c('01/09/2017','01/10/2017','01/11/2017','02/09/2017','02/10/2017','02/10/2017'),stringsasfactors = false) 

so, trying create graph between date(x-axis) , avg(y-axis). graph should change based on selection dropdown list of state.for example, particular selected state, should show cities available(in other dropdown) in state.

below code:

library(shiny) library(ggplot2) library(plotly)  statelist<-as.list(data$state) citylist<-as.list(data$city) ui <- basicpage(   # plotoutput("plot1", click = "plot_click"),   # verbatimtextoutput("info")   sidebarpanel(     selectinput("plot1", label=h3("select state"), choices = statelist),     selectinput("plot2", label=h3("select city"), choices = citylist)   ),   plotoutput(outputid="plot") ),  server <- function(input, output, session) {   observe(     {       state <- input$plot1       updateselectinput(session, "plot2", choices = data$city[data$state == state])     }   ),   output$plot<-renderplot({     ggplot(data[data$city == input$plot2 &                    data$state == input$plot1],aes(date,avg))     +geom_line()   }) }  shinyapp(ui, server) 

dropdown working not getting graph.

thanks in advance!!

i made minor modifications code:

  • there commas in places should not be: after ui constructor, , after observe constructor.
  • there comma missing in data[data$city == input$plot2 & data$state == input$plot1,]
  • i edited observe observeevent, can find differences here
  • i modified plot show changes, since sample data quite limited.

hope helps!

library(shiny) library(ggplot2) library(plotly)  data<-data.frame(state=c('az','va','ca','az','va','ca'), city=c('phoenix','arlington','santaclara','mesa','richmond','sf'),                  avg=c(10,15,16,13,14,14), date=c('01/09/2017','01/10/2017','01/11/2017','02/09/2017','02/10/2017','02/10/2017'),stringsasfactors = false)  statelist<-unique(data$state) citylist<-unique(data$city) ui <- basicpage(   # plotoutput("plot1", click = "plot_click"),   # verbatimtextoutput("info")   sidebarpanel(     selectinput("plot1", label=h3("select state"), choices = statelist),     selectinput("plot2", label=h3("select city"), choices = citylist)   ),   plotoutput(outputid="plot") )  server <- function(input, output, session) {   observeevent(input$plot1,     {       state <- input$plot1       updateselectinput(session, "plot2", choices = data$city[data$state == state])     }   )    output$plot<-renderplot({     data = data[data$city == input$plot2 &             data$state == input$plot1,]         ggplot(data,aes(date,avg)) + geom_point(size=5) + ggtitle(paste0(input$plot1," - ",input$plot2 ))    }) }  shinyapp(ui, server) 


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