colorbar - R scalable color bar -

the code below small example 3d plotting. color bar @ right side, not scalable (so if maximize windows see larger pixels). solutions based on image.plot function , looking alternative produce scalable graphics.

require("rgl") require("fields") degreetoradian<-function(degree){   return   (0.01745329252*degree) }  turnpolartox<-function(amplitude,coordinate){   return (amplitude*cos(degreetoradian(coordinate))) }  turnpolartoy<-function(amplitude,coordinate){   return (amplitude*sin(degreetoradian(coordinate))) }   #  inputs code test<-runif(359,min=-50,max=-20) # 359 elements correspond polar coordinates of 1 359 test2<-runif(359,min=-50,max=-20)  # 359 elements correspond polar coordinates of 1 359 test3<-runif(359,min=-50,max=-20)  # 359 elements correspond polar coordinates of 1 359  # add offset of 50 values.  test <- test + 50 test2 <- test2 + 50 test3 <- test3 + 50  # start preparing data plotted in cartesian domain x1<-turnpolartox(test,1:359) y1<-turnpolartoy(test,1:359) z1<-rep(0,359)   x2<-turnpolartox(test2,1:359) y2<-rep(0,359) z2<-turnpolartoy(test2,1:359)   x3<-rep(0,359) y3<-turnpolartox(test3,1:359) z3<-turnpolartoy(test3,1:359)   # time plotting  min<-min(test,test2,test3) max<-max(test,test2,test3)  bgplot3d( suppresswarnings (      image.plot( legend.only=true, legend.args=list(text='dbm/100khz'), zlim=c(min,max)-50,col=plotrix::color.scale(seq(min-50,max-50,length.out=21),c(0,1,1),c(0,1,0),0,xrange=c(min,max)-50))     ) # zlim colorbar numbers )  

any ideas or suggestions more welcome.

thanks lot. regards alex


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