java - Scanner in loop never stops reading inputs -

my code below supposed prompting user numbers. part works, after user inputs numbers, nothing happens. why code stop after user inputs numbers?

public static void main(string[] args) {     arraylist<double> inputs = getnumbers();     int numberofitemstodrop = getlowestnumber();     // ... }   public static arraylist<double> getnumbers() {     arraylist<double> inputs = new arraylist <double> ();      scanner in = new scanner(;     system.out.println("please enter 5 ten numbers on 1 line separated spaces.");     double vals = in.nextdouble();      while (in.hasnextdouble()) {         inputs.add(in.nextdouble());     }      return inputs; }   public static int getlowestnumber() {     int numberofitemstodrop = 0;      system.out.println("how many of lowest values should dropped?");     scanner in = new scanner(;     numberofitemstodrop = in.nextint();      return numberofitemstodrop; } 

you have 2 problems: scanner, , indistinguishable inputs.

in order appear in code...

1. dueling scanners

as general rule, want 1 scanner per input stream. if first scanner "reads ahead" fill input buffer, bytes vanish forever when scanner gets garbage-collected. typically leads nosuchelementexception when next scanner tries read inputs no longer exist.

note not same trying read closed input stream (see "java.util.nosuchelementexception - scanner reading user input") --- losing inputs can happen when input stream still open.

a better strategy create 1 scanner, , pass each method needs read it:

public static void main(final string[] args) {     final scanner in = new scanner(;  // 1 , only.     arraylist<double> inputs = getnumbers(in);     int numbertodrop = getlowestnumber(in);     // ... } 

2. indistinguishable inputs

also, need way determine end of floating-point data , start of integer. can't hasnextdouble, because integer input 3 double. fortunately, have told user read end of line, , nextline that.

i created throw-away scanner read double values string returned nextline. (the new scanner parser not conflict scanner in, because read different sources.)

public static arraylist<double> getnumbers(final scanner in) {     system.out.println(       "please enter 5 ten numbers on 1 line " +       "separated spaces."     );     final string s = in.nextline();     final scanner parser = new scanner(s);     arraylist<double> inputs = new arraylist<>();     while (parser.hasnextdouble()) {         inputs.add(parser.nextdouble());     }     parser.close();     return inputs; } 

i checked input hasnextint , returned 0 if wasn't valid integer:

public static int getlowestnumber(final scanner in) {     system.out.println(       "how many of lowest values should dropped?"     );     if (in.hasnextint()) {         return in.nextint();     }     return 0; } 

i think both of scanning methods should throw exceptions if encounter bogus inputs, rather trying make this... thing worse bogus data plausible result based on bogus data.


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