ios - Firebase get child name by value and remove it -

my json looks this:

users   username1: "wwodh96yr3qs4n3gwdvq3olqffb2"   username2: "rj6pzttlmsg222ouygwhtwpvhdg1" 

i "username1" key (auth.uid)! , if found want delete it, after delete looks this:

    users   username2: "rj6pzttlmsg222ouygwhtwpvhdg1" 


self.ref.child("users").queryorderedbyvalue().queryequal(tovalue: user?.uid).observe(.value, with: { snapshot in                              if snapshot.exists() {                                  print("\(snapshot.value)")                                 snapshot.ref.child(snapshot.value as! string).removevalue() // deleting every thing wrong!                                } else{                                  print("not found--")                              }                             self.ref.removeallobservers()                         })                     } 

this code deleting in users. want delete specific user.

first of all, approach if want query 1 value @ 1 moment, doing, observesingleevent (is best approach?). solve problem, forgot add "users" path. below code more safe use, since force unwrap (which not recommend case):

let dataref = self.ref.child("users") dataref.keepsynced(true)        if let usersuid = auth.auth().currentuser?.uid{     dataref.child("users").queryorderedbyvalue().queryequal(tovalue: usersuid).observesingleevent(.value, with: { snapshot in         print(snapshot)        let values = snapshot.value as? nsdictionary        (key, value) in values{        print(value) // print uid?        print(key) // or one?              self.ref.child("users/\(key)").removevaluewithcompletionblock({ (err, ref) in                 if err != nil {                     print(err)                 } else {                     print(ref)                     print("removed")                 }             })         }     })     } 

try add this, right after print(snapshot)


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