r - How can I make a list of data frames which have the same values in the first column? -

say have multiple data frames, , want make multiple lists of data frames same first column. example, dfs 1-4 have "abc" in columns of first row, dfs 5-7 have "def" in columns of first row, etc. how can write script puts (in case) dfs 1-4 in list called "abc", dfs 5-7 in list called "def"?

this first question, please let me know if there else provide. researched few days no luck :(



so guide solution, asked.

  • first make sure have list of data frames called l (all(sapply(l, is.data.frame)) should true).

  • then, each element (df) of list, need character (string) in first row (in column, example first one). give vector of characters , can using either sapply or purrr::map_chr.

  • after that, here comes split want do. use split first argument vectors of indices (see ?seq_along) , second argument vector of characters you've computed before.

  • finally, use lapply transform list of indices in list of data frames (you need know [ accessor list).

if need more guidance, don't hesitate ask.


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