react native - Expo Android Permissions set to nothing -

what like: want able publish apk file play store has 0 permissions, because app not require any.

what i'm experiencing when running expo command exp publish i'm getting following warning/issue

[exp] making sure project set correctly... [exp] warning: problem in app.json. see [exp]   - additional property "permission" exists in app.json when not allowed. 

extra details expo has released version 19 of sdk has ability set permissions android. see docs link

there no details on how set no permissions, , docs default applied when permissions not set in app.json without describing defaults are.

my config looks this:

{   "expo": {     "name": "test-publish",     "description": "an empty new project",     "slug": "test-publish",     "privacy": "public",     "sdkversion": "19.0.0",     "version": "1.0.0",     "orientation": "portrait",     "primarycolor": "#cccccc",     "icon": "./assets/icons/app-icon.png",     "loading": {       "icon": "./assets/icons/loading-icon.png",       "hideexponenttext": false     },     "packageropts": {       "assetexts": ["ttf", "mp4"]     },     "ios": {       "supportstablet": true     },     "android": {       "permission": []     }   } } 

you're using permission (singular form) instead of plural.


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