angular - Cannot find namespace NodeJS when using NodeJS.Timer in Ionic 2 -

i attempting use code found on ionic project.

when run code error cannot find namespace 'nodejs' , error refers touchtimeout: nodejs.timer;

how can adapt code below make nodejs.timer line work?

import { directive, elementref, hostlistener } '@angular/core';  @directive({ selector: '[delaydraglift]' }) export class delaydragliftdirective {      dragdelay: number = 200; // milliseconds     draggable: boolean = false;     touchtimeout: nodejs.timer;      @hostlistener('touchmove', ['$event'])     // @hostlistener('mousemove', ['$event'])     onmove(e: event) {         if (!this.draggable) {             e.stoppropagation();             cleartimeout(this.touchtimeout);         }     }      @hostlistener('touchstart', ['$event'])     // @hostlistener('mousedown', ['$event'])     ondown(e: event) {         this.touchtimeout = settimeout(() => {             this.draggable = true;         }, this.dragdelay);     }      @hostlistener('touchend', ['$event'])     // @hostlistener('mouseup', ['$event'])     onup(e: event) {         cleartimeout(this.touchtimeout);         this.draggable = false;     }      constructor(private el: elementref) {     } } 


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